Stock Photo of a Canon 580ex II

Stock Photo of a Canon 580ex II

The Canon 580ex II. First up, if you’re still getting by with your on-board flash on your camera… good for you. However, I may seem like the bearer of bad news here but… you have no idea what you’re missing out on! For a while in the beginning (and unsatisfied with the harshness of the on-board flash) I’d been using a Gary Fong “Puffer” to soften the light when I needed some flash-fill. However, that flash just wasn’t going to get me the “Oomph!” that I needed to really “reach out” with my flash (the on-boards are usually good for like… 6-15 feet and that’s it). I picked this Canon Speedlight up and another diffuser and set to putting it through it’s paces and here’s what I’ve got to say: Let’s keep it simple and tidy… so here goes!
What’s hot:

  • WAY more reach than an on-board flash.
  • Bounce flash option to get more “natural” looking light.
  • Fill card and “wide angle” cover are very useful and built right into the head! Easy to use, then store.
  • Very adjustable to your specific needs.
  • Can be used as a “Master” unit to control “Slave” units that are placed off camera.
  • Can be controlled by select Canon cameras with built in master unit and act as a slave flash off camera.
  • Sturdy build quality (even the accessory stand is made of metal).
  • Rechargeable Energizer batteries last a lot longer than I was expecting in the unit, while maintaining good recycle rates.

What’s not:

  • I’ve been afraid I’m going to break whatever the mechanism/pin is that locks the head in place (released via a button), but it’s held up so far over the past year I’ve owned it.
  • All those adjustments take you a while to wrap your mind around. You can easily go from beginner to advanced lighting with this unit… a plus, but this means there’s a noticeable learning curve if you want to get it off “Auto” and your pictures to come out looking good.
  • Bulky. (Though a battery grip on my 7D seems to help balance the weight out a little more for me)

All in all I’m pleased with it. It’s given me a new perspective and creative outlet for off-camera, on location flash that I simply can’t have in the studio when I’m anchored in place. I’ll suggest patience and taking time to learn all the ins and outs of the product if you take the plunge. Also… Wedding photography (even as just a “guest”) takes on a whole new level with creative and intelligent use of my Canon 580ex II. I highly recommend this (and off-camera flash in general) product.